Egypt – Wrap Up

In what promises to be our last post about Egypt, we wanted to share some random images and stories that didn’t quite fit into our previous three posts.

One interesting story was from our visit to the Cairo Tower – the tallest building in Egypt…

On the last day of the trip, we went up in the tower to have brunch. Upon seating, our waiter told us that he will have to close in about 20 minutes and he apologized for the trouble. We noticed the fellow wait staff were buzzing around the cafe with visible excitement. Our waiter explained that the reason for the closing was a last-minute visit by Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak. His helicopter just landed on a nearby soccer field and he would be visiting the Cairo Tower for lunch. Sadly, our pending flight kept us from hanging out to meet him, but we at least snapped a few pictures of his entourage.

Also, a notable change of scenery was evident. While we were driving along the road, there were numerous encounters with animals – animals crossing the street, donkey-led carts hauling boxes of vegetables, etc. Here is a clip of one such experience.

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