Happy New Year!!


To celebrate New Year’s Eve, we went to a party with some of Megan’s new Edelman friends. A pretty balanced mix of Americans and Brits, we all had one thing in common – 2010 was the year we moved to the UAE! A good time was had by all (an open bar will do that) and the evening was capped with a midnight fireworks display.

While not part of New Years, we wanted to share a few remaining Christmas pictures (at the end of the gallery). Some great friends from back home sent us a Ravens Christmas tree, and we had a bizarre run in with THE Santa Clause. We found Santa by a big Christmas tree in a modern Middle Eastern market, after our Christmas dinner. Megan, like an excited school girl, asks him if he would pose for a picture. He graciously obliged. Megan said “shukran” after the shot, which means “thanks” in Arabic. He responded “afwan”, which means “you’re welcome”. Not an exchange you’ll see (and hear) very often with Santa, to say the least.

We hope everyone has a safe and prosperous 2011!!!

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